Datacenter Solutions

Cloud Hosting

Il miglior provider svizzero per la vostra piattaforma online di successo
Con il nostro servizio di web hosting, offriamo uno spazio di archiviazione e l’infrastruttura necessaria per il vostro sito web e sistema di posta elettronica. Swiss TLC è il più grande fornitore di web hosting in Svizzera, gestendo un vasto numero di domini e mantenendo una delle infrastrutture più avanzate e stabili disponibili. Swiss TLC gestisce la propria rete cloud in un centro dati all’avanguardia a Zurigo, offrendo la massima protezione e privacy in conformità con le leggi svizzere.
Se sei un'agenzia web o hai bisogno di un piano di rivendita personalizzato, contattaci.

Voice Carrier Services
SWISS TLC offers effective and high quality voice termination and transit services to Operators in all geographic marketplaces.

High-performance and global connectivity reach create the most substantial presence with a blend of performance-based routing of top-tier transit providers and exchanges in the most significant appearance in all mainlands.

We will provide you with the global voice termination network for you to grow your business. Our Network Operations Centre offers continuous service quality and performance monitoring and proactive assurance with technical support available 24x7x365.


Il pacchetto tutto incluso per email, siti web e domini

Il vostro pannello di controllo personale è specificamente progettato per i prodotti Swiss TLC. Vi consente di gestire i vostri siti web, le vostre email e persino i vostri domini con strumenti intuitivi.

Market and Business Opportunity

The increasing diffusion of 5G services that shift from voice to data and an increasing share of mobile traffic are changing significantly the market.

Mobile services will grow (CAGR ‘24-’39 +3%) as a consequence of the strong growth of the IoT component, in terms of connected devices and related connectivity revenues.
The more traditional components (A2P and roaming) are expected to experience a more conservative trend, due to price pressure for both A2P and roaming services, even in presence of increasing volumes, in particular for IoT and 5G services.
Interconnect Management
Billing and Settlement

Web hosting is a necessary service for publishing and operating a private or business web presence (website) with its own domain name. Through this service, web storage space is made available for the respective website. In classic web hosting (also called "shared hosting"), website owners typically share server resources, such as CPU and RAM, with other web hosting clients.

The location of data and servers represents the main advantage of Swiss web hosting. With Swiss TLC web hosting solution, valuable customer data, including web, database, and email data, as well as personal data, is stored in a highly secure data center in Switzerland. This aspect is extremely relevant not only for business customers but also for many private customers. With Swiss web hosting, you can be assured that your data is not stored abroad.

Since 2020, Swiss TLC has been proud to bear the "Swiss Hosting" quality label, used only by hosting providers with corporate headquarters and data location in Switzerland.

The SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) and SSH (Secure Shell) protocols are included in all Swiss TLC web hosting offers. This allows for a secure connection between your computer and our server for protected data transmission. Through the SSH console, you can execute important commands directly on your web server with us.

Your web, email, and database data are stored by us for up to 15 days.
You can restore your data directly from the control panel at any time.
In addition, your web hosting data is replicated via mirroring on multiple hard drives, providing even greater availability. We advise our clients to regularly back up the most important website, database, and email data locally or in another secure location. This will further increase the security of your data.
Partner Portals
Agreement Management
Fraud Monitoring and Alerting
Routing Optimization
Rating Management
Business Intelligence


The platform used by Swiss TLC is an automated platform for wholesale voice operators providing a secure session border controller and industry-leading routing and billing management.

Integrated real-time service control supports the centralised routing, rating, billing, and business intelligence functions required to support a growing wholesale voice business.


At the forefront of
telecommunication innovation

International voice and messaging services, offering highly competitive prices without compromising quality.

Market and Business Opportunity

The total amount of telecom revenue loss due to fraud is estimated to be 2.22% of revenues or $39.89 billion. Mobile Operators are conscious that a drastic solution is necessary to stop the revenues leakage and to ensure the best service towards their retail Customers.
This underscores the importance of implementing effective fraud prevention measures in order to protect the industry's bottom line mitigating a constantly changing threat. The Fraud Identification and Mitigation solution enables our Customers to fight fraud in real time.
Using network analytics, taking advantage of past fraud events & market intelligence activity and thanks to an efficient alerting solution backed by AI processing SWISS TLC Team is able to provide early detection of fraudulent or suspicious behaviour, reducing risk and protecting the business of our Customers.


At the forefront of
telecommunication innovation

International voice and messaging services, offering highly competitive prices without compromising quality.


Domande frequenti

Il web hosting è un servizio essenziale per la pubblicazione e la gestione di un sito web personale o aziendale con un proprio nome di dominio. Questo servizio offre uno spazio di archiviazione web per il sito corrispondente. Nel web hosting tradizionale (noto anche come "shared hosting"), i proprietari dei siti web condividono risorse server, come CPU e RAM, con altri utenti del servizio.

La localizzazione dei dati e del server è il principale vantaggio del web hosting svizzero. Con la soluzione di web hosting offerta da Swiss TLC, i dati importanti dei clienti, come quelli relativi a siti web, database, e-mail e informazioni personali, sono conservati in un centro di calcolo altamente sicuro in Svizzera. Questo aspetto è cruciale sia per i clienti aziendali che per quelli privati. Con un web hosting svizzero, avete la garanzia che i vostri dati non saranno archiviati all'estero.

I protocolli SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) e SSH (Secure Shell) sono inclusi in tutte le offerte di web hosting di Swiss TLC. Questi protocolli permettono di stabilire una connessione sicura tra il vostro computer e il nostro server per una trasmissione protetta dei vostri dati. Tramite la console SSH, potete eseguire comandi importanti direttamente sul vostro server web presso di noi.

Il tuo sito web, le email e i dati del database sono archiviati da noi per un massimo di 15 giorni. Puoi ripristinare i tuoi dati direttamente dal pannello di controllo in qualsiasi momento. Inoltre, i dati del tuo hosting web vengono replicati tramite specchiatura su più unità disco rigido, garantendo una maggiore disponibilità. Consigliamo ai nostri clienti di eseguire regolarmente il backup dei dati più importanti del sito web, del database e delle email localmente o in un'altra posizione sicura. Questo aumenterà ulteriormente la sicurezza dei tuoi dati.
